Monday, July 29, 2013

Thank you, Jerilynn, for the spark!

The first tiger stamp has been postmarked! The story starter was... "If my mother were not already dead, this story would kill her." I have completed a short, short that my first reader (Dear Hubby) says is worthy of an entire novel of its own. Who knows. Maybe one day. I'll have to wait and see if Chastity Hedspeth keeps talking to me, demanding to tell more of her story. 

Entries for a chance at receiving some fun, old-fashioned snail mail are still being collected


  1. I just joined #WLCBlogFollows YOU should too! #WLCAuthor #community

    Syl Stein

  2. I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!


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