Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snow Day

This winter weather is proving to be hard even on me. Yes, the one who returned to Kansas, in part, because I needed four complete seasons. How can one appreciate summer without the deep cold of winter to catch up on snuggling-beneath-the-covers time?

Last winter we opted to save the dollars we usually spent on winter gym time and kept up the three mornings a week walk/run/whatever even through the cold and snow season. I felt pretty hard core, as spring arrived. With morning temperatures routinely in the teens and single digits, however, it has not been nearly so easy this year. I don't want to get out of bed, never mind bundling up enough to move about outdoors. I still haven't broken down for a gym membership, but have pulled my 75 cents for one day from the change basket on the fridge enough to have paid for a membership perhaps several times by now.

As a family, we spent three and a half hours shoveling snow after last week's episode, which honestly, is easier for me to take than bitter cold without the moisture. At least I can appreciate the snow will stay and take its sweet time seeping into the ground. We are still in a drought here in Kansas, after all. My greener, eastern half of the state is reminding me, far too often these days, of the golden shades of greenish brown from my childhood home of western Kansas. My arms still ache a little. The constant scarf around my neck and winter coat over my shoulders is starting to feel like extra weight I long to be free of but can not shake. I am tired of my bulky sweaters and extra layers. I open my t-shirt drawer with longing.

But the real bonus of cold weather plus snow (this round) was the unexpected days at home. I mean, when you work for yourself, as the hubby and I mostly do, any day can be a day off in theory, but the reality is that I often find myself more mired in the rut of working hours than I was when I was punching someone else's time clock. I've learned to schedule vacation days for sanity's sake.

Last Tuesday, however, to wake up to real snow falling from the sky and then listen to the list of cancellations and closures on the radio began to awake memories of snow days from long ago. Staying home, though not necessary, at least in the early hours of the day, was an entirely real possibility. And so I made the decision to do so, and the result--a day free of the routine, unexpectedly--was refreshing and good for the creative soul. 

My writing projects list has grown by leaps and bounds. 

I find myself studying the weather forecast. If there is no promise of warmer temperatures, can't we at least have more show-stopping snow? I find myself thinking. I could use a good excuse to stay here at home for a few more days. Just me and my keyboard and a couple of my favorite notebooks. If enough snow were to fall, I might even write one of those projects all the way to completion. 

1 comment:

  1. Well no such luck for me, must venture out to work, on the 15th day with 5 more to go before the much needed break. BS


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